The Centre wishes to encourage and nourish the flourishing of the Spiritan charism, and to increase awareness / understanding of the Province's missionary tradition, past and present.
The archives are collections of documents, DVDs, films, memorabilia, photographs and videos selected for permanent preservation because of their value as a source for research, historical or other. They form an important part of the Province's recorded history – official and unofficial.
The Centre has begun the work of document digitisation. On completion, each catalogue – in pdf format – will be available on request.
Major collections include:
- The administrative history of the 1859 origins of the Province, and its ongoing life.
- Biographical records of all members of the Province.
- Records and documents on the work of members of the Province on the home mission in areas including development-education, ecumenism, education, formation, fund-raising, justice & peace, and retreat-giving.
- Materials relating to overseas mission in: Angola, Australia, Botswana, Brazil, Canada, Ethiopia, The Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Mauritius, Mexico, Nigeria – including a unique collection relating to the 'Biafran War' (1967-70) –Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, The Philippines, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Taiwan, Tanzania, Uganda, USA, Vietnam and Zambia.
Charity Number CHY 00076 | Registered Charity Number (RCN): 20000172